Coffee varieties There are many varieties of coffee in the world. But generally known, there are 4 varieties:

Arabica : People who love the mellow, aroma and smooth taste of coffee. Always fall in love with this coffee. It is 80 percent of the world's most popularly grown coffee and is the most popular coffee in fresh coffee shops around the world. At the same time, Arabica is difficult to grow and requires a lot of quality control of planting. Arabica has a mild caffeine content of 1.1-1.7% and is available in a variety of varieties such as Tripica, Bourbon, Blue Mountain Mokka, Catura Kona and Kent, which has a different aroma and sweet taste depending on the origin. Arabica is a coffee that loves cool weather around 15-25 degrees, so it is suitable for growing in the terrain above 1,000. meters above sea level And of course, the price of coffee varies according to the quality of each species as well.

Robusta : Strong coffee lovers like real men should not miss Robusta coffee. Because it has a concentration of caffeine up to 2-4.5 percent and the body (concentration) also gives a more astringent flavor than Arabica with a intensity that is twice as high as Robusta, making it popular to produce instant coffee. (Instant Coffee) and 3in1 days when you have to travel long distances or want your body to be alert all day. Just choose your own Robusta coffee, ready to go all the way. Including mixing with other coffee species called "Blend Coffee" (Blend Coffee) that Robusta is easy to care for, easy to grow, loves the hot and humid climate of our southern country, strong, resistant to various diseases as well. High yield and easy maintenance.

Excelsa : Despite the appearance of the seeds and the taste is close to Robusta. But Excelsa is not as popular as Robusta. But if you try asking Africans and coffee's birthplace (Coffee was first discovered in Yemen and Ethiopia. The Excelsa was first introduced in 1904.) They loved the rich and bitter taste of Excelsa very much. To the extent that this coffee can be enjoyed all day long, it is easy to grow, easy to care for, drought and disease resistant, high yielding, and the mature seeds of Excelsa also have a mellow and aromatic flavor similar to Arabica coffee.

Liberica : Liberica's hometown is in Liberia and the Ivory Coast. The taste is similar to Arabica but has a more sweet and sour taste of berries. But it is more resistant to disease. Loves hot and humid weather. In addition, Ivory Coast and Madagascar people also like to develop varieties with other coffee varieties. Baristas also like to blend it with other coffees. To increase the concentration and enhance the flavor to be more unique. Despite being known as a coffee that is of lower quality than other species But Liberica is gaining popularity in Scandinavian countries.


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Coffee drink There are many cup of coffee in the world. But generally known, there are 8 varieties:

Café Americano
Flat White

Espresso :
– The word Espresso comes from the Italian word “espresso” meaning urgent.
– The beginning of every coffee menu is from espresso.
– Espresso brewed using compression Makes a strong and strong coffee flavor.
– Usually served as shots (glass glasses) so that the amount is not too much (about 1-2 ounces or 30-60 ml, depending on drinking habits. of each country)
– Espresso menu in most restaurants will consist of hot espresso and iced espresso In fact, there is no cold espresso menu abroad. but in Thailand Iced espresso is usually made with 1-2 shots of espresso mixed with sweetened condensed milk and condensed milk. Fresh milk may be substituted in some shops.

Café Americano :
– There is a method of brewing by adding hot water to the espresso.
– Americano is suitable for people who like black coffee, but not as old and heavy as espresso.
– Most prefer to drink Americano without milk or sugar.

Latte :
– in Italian means milk
– in Italy This latte is known as “Caffè e latte” which means coffee with milk.
– Prepare by pouring 1/3 part espresso and 2/3 part hot milk into the cup at the same time. and will drop about 1 cm thick milk foam over the top
– As for the Ice latte or iced latte, it will consist of espresso + milk, which can be broken down into sub-menus. From adding syrup or flavored syrups such as caramel latte , halzenut latte, vanilla latte, etc.
– Hot latte can be created into a latte art (Latte art) or use milk to paint patterns on coffee to create various images, such as hearts, flowers or even animals.

cappuccino :
– Origin from Italy
– Most cappuccinos are usually made in a ratio of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 part steamed milk (heated through steam) and 1/3 part foamed milk floated. top
– The uniqueness of cappuccino is sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Sometimes sprinkle with a little cocoa powder instead.
– Iced cappuccino to see from the milk foam topped on top If there is a lot of foam That's a cappuccino

mocha :
– Similar to a latte, it has 1/3 parts espresso and 2/3 parts hot milk, but the difference is that the mocha contains chocolate as well.
– Chocolate is usually put in the form of chocolate syrup.
- Available in both hot and cold versions with ice
- Often has whipped cream to cover the face

Macchiato :
– The word “Macchiato” in Italian means "Marking"
– “Cafe Macchiato” is an espresso covered with milk foam. Or pour a little milk into it until you see a beautiful layer.
– “Latte Macchiato” will be hot milk marked with espresso coffee.
– “Caramel Macchiato” (Caramel Macchiato), which is hot milk mixed with caramel. Then mark the brown with espresso coffee.

Flat White :
– Similar to latte coffee, it is espresso mixed with steamed milk (heated milk through steam), but will not put milk foam on top.

Affogato :
– In Italian, it means “to be sunk.”
– It is a kind of dessert that has coffee as a basic ingredient.
– Typically this is done by scooping 1 scoop of gelato or vanilla ice cream into a cup. Then pour 1 shot of hot espresso.






1. Caffeine has mild narcotic properties. People who drink coffee therefore often have to drink it regularly. Also known as "coffee addiction".
2. Coffee contains antioxidants. It is an anti-toxin that comes from inside and outside the body.
3. Helps to drive away aging Although the body needs a lot of oxygen, it's true. But if there is too much oxygen, it can increase the chance of cancer and aging faster. Especially in strong coffee, it breaks down the oxides and can reduce the incidence of cancer.
4. Coffee can help stimulate the brain to wake up. Helps speed up the processing of information in the brain. thereby increasing the efficiency of tasks that require concentration use reason and memory
5. Reduces fatigue from exercise.
6. It can help prevent tooth decay.
7.A 10-year study of 86,000 women found that women who drank two cups of coffee a day had a 60% reduction in the risk of suicide among women.
8. The smell of coffee can help reduce appetite and help restore the senses of smell.
9. Coffee beans can help freshen the breath.
10. Help get rid of food odor If your hands smell fish garlic smell or strong smell of food


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1. Coffee beans are used to produce beverages that are widely spread around the world. There are enough Arabica and Robusta coffees in Thailand. causing some years to be exported to sell abroad as well But still have to import good quality coffee into the mix. to be used to produce instant coffee powder for domestic consumption as well
2. Just one cup of coffee can increase blood sugar levels.
3. There is a recommendation that people with high blood pressure High amounts of coffee should be avoided. Because studies have shown that 250 mg of caffeine can increase both upper and lower blood pressure in all groups.
4. If the body receives more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per day Caffeine interferes with sleep. Make it difficult to fall asleep, insomnia, shorten the duration of sleep. This may cause the body to not fully rest.
5. People who drink coffee regularly If you stop drinking suddenly, it will cause a headache. restless physical exhaustion and sleepy
6. Drinking coffee can cause the heart to beat faster than normal or beat irregularly. Because the caffeine in coffee has a direct stimulating effect on the heart muscle. This results in an increase in the rate of contraction of the heart and the amount of blood pumped per minute.
7.Caffeine stimulates the secretion of pepsin and gastrin, which can exacerbate gastric and intestinal ulcers.
8. Coffee has the effect of reducing the absorption of iron. You should therefore be careful when drinking coffee on an empty stomach. In addition, drinking coffee on an empty stomach, caffeine also accelerates the secretion of gastric acid.
9. Because coffee has a diuretic effect. By reducing the reabsorption of sodium, potassium and calcium from the kidneys. As a result, these minerals are excreted with urine. If the body loses calcium from the body frequently in large quantities, this may increase the risk factor for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
10. Young children should not drink coffee. especially children under the age of 10


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